Friday, January 23, 2009

#21 Found a great genealogy video by the Birmingham Library...title....genealogy or looking for one's own peeps. It is cool! Right up there with the library dominos. It's done in silent movie script and black and white. A little yellow peeps duck is searching for his family shows all the resources in the library....and even found where the peeps hooked up with the Cadbury's! LOL! I can see where these kinds of videos are entertaining yet informative at the same time. Libraries are changing with the age of technology and this is a great resource for libraries! I had trouble again trying to embed this video into my blog. I'll retry and see what I can do.

1 comment:

Allana said...

Hi Kathy, I liked the Peep video. Have you seen the one that Arlington Heights Memorial Library does about log? I find it funny.