Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Had some fun with #9...in fact had my husband on Flickrvision. Of course I told him to just go on Flickr.com....but of course he was not familiar with the site and typed in Flicker.com.....that's a porn site!!!! He wondered what I was doing in my Nebraska Learns 2.0!!!!!!

It was amazing to watch Flickrvision and imagine all these people uploading their pictures in the last minute around the world. WOW!!!! The Color Pickr was cool. And I experimented with my name and the library's name on Spell with Flickr. I can see that a library website might use some of these applications for interesting news and events.

Now my husband is really into Flickr....he looked up Stromsburg Nebraska and lo and behold found some people we know, a picture possibly taken from our street of the watertower in our backyard, Swedish Festival, etc. Pretty Cool!!!!!

I can see libraries using Flickr and its applications for posting their events etc, on their websites.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Glad your husband is enjoying Flickr - once he overcame his initial shock!